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The Empowered Family Blog


Empowering Coaching, Tools, and Strategies to Help You Connect with Your Purpose, Create Influence for Your Family, Help Your Kids Thrive, and Create an Extraordinary Life

The Power To Upgrade Your Environments!

"There are two integral environments that shape our lives and who we are. These landscapes play such an important role in our happiness and success. They affect how we feel, what we do, the decisions we make, what we choose to believe in, and how we show up in the world. The amazing fact is that...

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Parent Testimonial: Meet Young Adult Henry

"Our son Henry was really struggling to finish his Senior Year of High School. He had no energy or motivation, was on his phone and video games all of the time, and had no direction on what he wanted to do for his future (whether that was college, jobs, etc.). As a result his school performance...

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Meet Carsten: From stuck and unclear on his career path, to unleashing his creativity and finding his purpose

When we first met Carsten, he was a sophomore in college, feeling lost and uncertain, and beginning to ask some really important questions. He was a business major following a path that was already laid out in front of him. Everyone in his class was planning for careers in business, finance, and...

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Teens and Young Adults: Meet Your Best Self

You are here because there is something important for you to do. Something you're supposed to do, that maybe you even need to do. What if I told you that there is a version of you that can accomplish all of your goals. Anything that you set your mind to you can make it happen.  

There is a...

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Meet Olivia: Another amazing Teen Life Coaching success story!

Meet Olivia: Another amazing Teen Life Coaching success story!

 "I'm so happy that my parents found the Extraordinary Purpose Coaching program. I'm a Junior in high school and was really struggling with social anxiety, making friends, and low motivation and confidence. As a result my...

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How to Help Teens and Young Adults Journal and Plan Their Days With Purpose

The power of writing down our thoughts and feelings in a journal, and organizing our days with purpose, is the confidence, empowerment, and clarity we cultivate by implementing these rituals into our daily lives.

As Life Coaches for Teens and Young Adults we are always reminding our clients that...

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Helping Young Adults Overcome Resistance to Become Empowered

What if I told you that one small step could change everything?

That just by taking one step you could change how you feel, what you believe, and open your eyes to amazing new opportunities - that you are one-of-a-kind and capable of doing the most incredible things. Just that one step can...

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The Significance of Group Coaching For Teens and Young Adults

I'll never forget the first coaching group that I facilitated. I was new to Life Coaching and had been coaching women individually for about six months, and realized how much they would benefit from hearing each other's stories, fears, accomplishments, dreams, resiliency, and deep desires and...

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The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude Is So Powerful!!

We hear a lot about the power of Gratitude, and for good reason, because intentionally focusing on what we’re grateful for is the key to a happy, fulfilling, healthy, and abundant life! One of my greatest teachers reminds us that we cannot be grateful and angry or...

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Extraordinary Purpose
Meet Madison: An Extraordinary Success Story!
Meet Madison: An Extraordinary Success Story!

Read how Madi went from being unmotivated, unfocused, and almost failing high school, to becoming empowered, confident, and clear on about her future. Today Madi is an 18-year old entrepreneur and business owner, committed to her personal growth, and creating the life of her dreams!

We met Madi...

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Helping Young Adults Make Impactful Choices in 2024!

This is going to be an Extraordinary Year for your kiddos, full of so many opportunities! Everything you need to help them thrive is right in front of you to make that happen. Our greatest gift is watching Young Adults begin the process of stepping into their potential, creating meaningful goals,...

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Gratitude for all of the amazing parents!

Niá:wen! This means Thank You in the Mohawk Language. Since I am half Native American we don’t celebrate “Thanksgiving” in the traditional sense in our family, however we do celebrate gratitude, and this is a wonderful time of year to reflect on all we are grateful...

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