Simple Rituals Can Transform Your Relationships, Health, Success, and Life!

Simple Rituals Can Transform Your Life


Rituals can be a very powerful part of your daily and weekly routines. You may have rituals that you already practice, and you don't even realize it. A ritual is simply an act or behavior that you implement regularly and consistently into your life. Rituals can replace "bad" habits, cultivate a healthier lifestyle, create deeper bonds with your partner, bring your family closer together, and so much more! In case you're thinking "I don't have any rituals and I'm not sure where to begin!" I got your back. I'll share a ritual that I practice everyday, one that Chris and I implement most days, and one that I try my best to make non-negotiable for our family:)

I started practicing meditation in my mid-twenties after meeting my first spiritual mentor and meditation teacher. Back then before kids and the full life I have today, I was able to practice everyday, sometimes twice a day! As my life changed and the kids were littles, I still practiced meditation, but very sporadically. As I navigated some very challenging situations and relationships, and the kids got older, I found my way back to a daily meditation practice. I wake up most days at 5:30am so that I have an hour before anyone else is stirring or asking me for something. I get my coffee, take a few minutes to find a guided meditation, and I practice a 10-20 minute meditation everyday. I choose a meditation topic based on what I need that day - whether it's gratitude, forgiveness, self-acceptance, letting go, or manifesting something into my life! It's an opportunity for me to set an intention for the day ahead, to ground myself before the day takes over, to connect with my spirit, and to remember myself. When I teach meditation I always equate the feeling that comes from this practice as coming home to yourself and wrapping a warm blanket around you - it feels safe, secure, and boundless. 

As a couple, Chris and I are very intentional about getting out for nature walks together in our favorite  forest. Early on in our relationship when we were learning so many new things about each other, then moving in together and blending our families, and then creating our business, we found these walks to be almost magical. Some of our most amazing business ideas were born on these walks together, talking out issues about our kids or an argument we had, or just connecting with each other without distractions, is what keeps us bonded. Believe me it's not easy to keep this ritual consistent! Working from home together and having four kiddos with busy schedules is demanding, but we know that when we go too long without our walks, we notice how short we get with each other and less creative we are as a couple and in our business! Rituals require intentionality and consistency.

Rituals with our kids and as a family can look like setting "no distractions" time blocks for the kids to focus on homework or personal time, family game or movie nights once a month, or an outing in nature together once a month. If you're able to do weekly rituals as a family, that's even better, but as the kids get older and busier we find bi-weekly or monthly to be the best we can do! 

Remember that what makes you feel empowered and positive about rituals isn't always the act itself, it's the follow through and keeping your word to yourself that makes you feel good! it can be as simple as an evening walk every day, waking up earlier to have coffee and connect with yourself, a hot bath every Sunday, or committing to a new class once a week. Sitting down on a Sunday and planning out rituals for the week based on your schedule is perfect. This is intentional and gives you a chance to look at everyone's schedule to determine what works best. If this is new to you, the most important thing is to start implementing rituals for yourself first, once you have this down then you can get your partner on board for a couple's ritual, and eventually your family. You modeling this first will be inspirational to everyone around you, and I promise you'll quickly start to notice how grounded you feel. Life today is busier than ever for all of us, and can take over our wellbeing if we let it, rituals are a way to feel more in control of your days and weeks, and nurture your spirit:)

With Love,

Erin and Chris 



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