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How to Help Teens Become More Motivated and Confident

teens becoming more motivated and confident

In a culture where kids are so incredibly influenced by social media and their peers, introducing them to a path of personal growth is imperative. What we have found in our coaching program is that the environment we create for teens is what makes the biggest difference in the level of their participation and growth. Most teens live in the bubble of school and homework, their everyday peers, family and home life, jobs, sports, and often this is their daily experience. When our clients join their group coaching call each week they immerse themselves in an environment with other like-minded peers, all working on their personal development, moving forward, focusing on creating their futures, striving towards their meaningful goals, and speaking the same language. 

Exposing young people to these kinds of environments and groups early on will set them up for healthy social bonds with others, cultivate leadership skills, encourage vulnerability and authenticity, and and teach them the power of influencing others. This also gives teens the incredible opportunity to experience how changing up their environments feels, so they'll always have this reference as they move through their lives, empowered knowing they have the power to change and create their lives.  

 With Love,

Erin and Chris xo

Erin Verdis is a prominent Life Coach For Teen and Parents. She is passionate about sharing her own life experiences to empower others and help them find their resilience and purpose. Erin is the co-creator of the Extraordinary Purpose Life Coaching Program for Teens, which has  helped transform the lives of over one thousand teens (and their parents). Erin comes from the Mohawk Nation & Wolf Clan and much of her motivation and coaching stems from her Native American cultural background. She is a published poet and essayist, an avid journal and memoir writer. Erin lives with her husband, Chris, her two kids, River and Skylar, and loves to cook and clean (most of the time:), being in nature camping & hiking, the gym, reading, and traveling with her family.  


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