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Signature Habits and Rituals for Teens and Young Adults 

Inside The Extraordinary Purpose Program Young Adults Learn Life-Changing Rituals & Habits for Daily Energy, Motivation, Mindfulness, Confidence, Focus, and Performance. 


Your Sacred Space & Success Environments

We help young adults create and upgrade their environments to support their energy, focus, inspiration, mindfulness, and creativity. This inlcudes everything from the spaces we spend time in, to the people we spend time with, and getting into new environments that bring out our best. 


Getting Outside & Nature Walks 

Nature is one of the most powerful sources of inspiration, energy, and mindfulness, and each young adult will learn how to "get outside" and find themselves, their goals, and their purpose during natures walks, outside activities, sports, etc.




Checking-in With Yourself & Making Empowering Choices

Each week in our program young adults will learn different strategies and action steps to ground themselves, navigate uncomfortable thoughts and feelings, give themselves feedback on how they are doing, and learn where to put their focus to help them make positive and empowering choices.   

Your Sleep, Morning & Evening Routines 

There is nothing more important to your day, life, and achieving your potential than your sleep and morning/evening routines. In our program you will create these routines for your short and long-term success, as well as develop the habits to implement them into your life. Some focuses are powering down technology earlier before bed, mindfulness meditation, exercise/healthy eating/hydration, and writing down "wins for the day" before sleep. 

Journaling and Exploring Your Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas, and Curiosities. 

Everyone we coach embraces a "growth mindset" which means they are learning and growing every single day. Journaling is one of the rituals that helps young adults learn about their passions and talents, their values and goals, and their distractions and unhelpful thoughts. Journaling also helps them explore their emotions, inner dialog, relationship with themselves, and relationships with others.

Planning With Purpose & One Small Step Each Day

Young adults will learn how to plan their day with small steps, behaviors, and actions that align them with their values, goals, and their authentic best-self. Their evening routine will allow for them to review their progress, give themselves feedack, and make an exciting plan for what to do next. 

Teen and Young Adult Favorite Rituals


Sid - 17 

"My favorite Ritual is definitely nighttime journaling! I have found taking the time to reflect on my day, as well as planning for the next day to be so helpful towards me feeling better and making progress towards my goals." 



Shane - 19

"My favorite ritual has become my morning workout.  It's now something I do everyday, and I always walk away feeling good, motivated, and ready to tackle my day." 



Violet - 15

"My favorite ritual has become checking-in with myself, which I now do 3-4 X per day. It has helped me relieve my stress and anxiety, manage my thoughts, and help me feel better so that I can do more during and after school. It's so simple to do but has made a huge difference for me.".  


The Difference that Rituals Make Towards a Happier, Healthier, and More Fulfilling Life  


  • From unmotivated, no energy, and sleeping in until noon, to motivated, energetic, and a morning routine that helps to set their day up for learning, growth, and success


  • From distracted , overwhelmed, and stuck in your thoughts, to mindful, present, and focused on your goals, values, and best-self  
  • From feeling lost and without direction, to waking-up each morning with clear goals, confidence in who you are, and a plan for the day ahead that's motivating and empowering



Want to Learn More About the Signature Rituals that Can Change Your Young Adult's Life? 


Schedule Your Free Discovery Call Today!