How to Help Young Adults Take Action Towards Their Goals

Helping Teens and Young Adults Take Action Towards Their Goals

Hey Parents and Young Adults!

Today we are going to talk about the importance of goals, and how to move towards them every day. And how do doing so can absolutely change how you feel, what you believe, and how it can help you see your potential every step of the way. For some the word "goal" might seem like a scary, daunting, and overwhelming word. Something that seems impossible to figure out, and even harder to do. For some just the pressure of having "goals" can actually be the resistance that keeps them from taking action.

But a “goal” isn’s about doing something hard or difficult, it’s instead about getting clarity on the most meaningful things in our lives. For a Young Adult a "goal" is just something that is important to them, something that will help them learn, grow, and move towards their best selves. It’s a part of them that needs to be connected with in order for them to begin to get clarity on what matters most to them. By shifting this perspective it makes it more personal and something that they can begin working towards immediately. It’s not something that’s far away, it’s something that right inside of them. It's something that will make them feel connected to the best parts of themselves. The parts of themselves that will help them become everything that they are capable of.

A goal is the doorway to their Potential, Purpose, and Future. And all they have to do is take one small step forward to begin the process! Let's help our Young Adults open that door and see all of the incredible things that lie waiting for them.

In our Extraordinary Purpose coaching program, we have Young Adults spend time daily connecting with these incredible things (i.e. their goals, values, purpose, passions, etc.). This connection and clarity helps to bring their goals to life. The more detailed, clear, and vivid they are, the more possible and believable they become. This possibility and belief is what helps create the mindset to initiate action (and to make action possible in the first place). The new mindset and connection with themselves will help guide their choices, help them overcome distraction and focus, and increase their motivation and drive to keep moving forward…every day!

A very important thing to remember is that it's not the size of the steps or actions that matter, any size step forward will have the same desired effect. It's action, progress, learning, and growth, all of which equals success and happiness. It's the amazing feeling that only comes through doing things that are in alignment with our values and goals. That feeling is key to us doing it again, and again, and again. Each time we are moving forward, getting better, and gaining more answers to our biggest questions. Our confidence continues to climb. Then things in life can really begin to get interesting and fun.

One additional thing to remember is that the smaller the step the more doable it is for the Young Adult. A lot of what holds us back is how big and overwhelming things can feel. This is how they often feel about their Dreams, Aspirations, Careers, and Future. But we coach Young Adults to believe the truth that: 

Anything is Possible.

But only when you are clear, focused, and aligned with what's truly important: Your Purpose, Goals, and Values. And when you open yourself up to that belief and your new truth, then every small step you take is a step forward towards that amazing goal (no matter how big or small). There is no more losing - just progress.

Hence why we are here, to not only help Young Adults get clarity on what's important to them, to get seeing themselves as an amazing human being with unlimited potential, but to get them pursuing it every single day. To help them implement the mindset, rituals, and support that they need to stay focused, overcome challenges and distractions, and keep moving forward towards their beautiful and inspiring futures.

What's Important to your Young Adult? What are some of their goals, values, passions, talents, etc.? Help them get curious, help them begin to notice these important parts of themselves, and help them see who they really are. Help them open the doorway to their values, goals, and Purpose. Once they see what lies on the other side there will be no turning back. Then help them identify one small step that they can take today to connect with that most important thing in their life.

Supporting you every step of the way,

Erin and Chris

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