How to Help Teens and Young Adults Find Their Purpose

Every moment is an opportunity: to find your purpose, to feel better, to challenge yourself, to discover your potential and true self, to move forward, and even to find your purpose.
I remember the first time that I came in touch with my potential and purpose. I was an in high-school and was giving a class presentation for an assignment. I don't know what came over me, but on that particular day I didn’t give a "typical" presentation. Even though I was afraid of public speaking, afraid of being judged by my peers, and afraid of falling on my face, in that moment I stepped up in front of the class and delivered an experience that forever changed my life. For those next 10-15 minutes I transformed into someone else! Someone who over time I would get to know really well, but back then I didn't know how to describe it, except for that it felt…pretty amazing. This person was passionate, funny, motivating, and so confident that everybody was captivated by what was happening. Who was this person and where did he come from? I didn't even need my notes…I was so immersed in the experience that the performance just came out of me. My energy was higher than it had ever been, my spirit, spontaneity, and creativity was just flowing like crazy. I had came in touch with something pretty incredible.
I didn't know it at the time, but in that moment my passions, talents, values, true self, and everything that would eventually become my Purpose came together to show me a glimpse of what I was meant for. It was a preview of who I was really was, and what I was going to do in this world. And when I was aligned with these important things (my purpose, values, passions, and talents) I felt more confident and alive than I had ever felt before. I realize now when I was younger I chose moments like these intentionally so that I could step out of the shadows and onto the stage (literally and figuratively) and become that version of myself who wanted to be in the spotlight. These moments were my opportunity to not hold myself back, to finally break free, to release my voice, and to step into my potential.
I now know that there were signs, voices, and moments every day when I was younger that were right in front of me trying to guide me, support me, and help me find myself and my purpose. I smile with gratitude thinking about my family, friends, teachers, coworkers, etc. who all shared with me the talent and potential that they saw in me from the very beginning. So many people who encouraged me and helped me see the truth about who I really was and what I was meant for. I smile thinking about the moments when that talent and potential shown through in my teens and twenties. I knew it was there, played with it a bit, teased the world some, but I just didn't know what to do and how put it all together until years later.
What I didn't realize back then is that my purpose was to motivate and inspire people to find and pursue their passions and purpose. To ignite the part of them that is ready to step up, step out, and take on the world. To make them feel and believe that they can and will do anything that they want by helping them connect with that part of themselves that is capable of making it all happen. To help them create those moments where they can stop holding themselves back and become the person they are fully meant to be. That's what I was given a glimpse of when I was in high school, and if there was someone there to help me see it, understand it, and learn how to connect with it more consistently it could have set me on my path much sooner.
That’s why we are here, to help young adults recognize those moments of pure flow and authenticity, get them opening up and learning how to use these experiences to create their life path, a vision for their future, and positive influence & contribution in this world.
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