How Rituals Can Change Your Child's, and Really Your Family's Life!

Young Adult Journaling Ritual


You know with all of your heart that your kid has so much talent and potential, and yet it can be so frustrating because often they can't see it in themselves (I think that's actually true for all of us). It's part of the reason they don't feel good, why they aren't motivated, why they are constantly distracted, and especially why they don't make positive choices. They just aren't connected (yet) to what's important to help them see for themselves who they truly are. 

We must help our children nurture and develop this critical connection with themselves, so they can begin the process of bringing to life their potential, their goals, and even their purpose. This connection is to a much deeper self within, where they begin to see what they are truly capable of, what's important to them, and what action steps will move them forward towards their goals and their future. 

We have found that embracing Daily Rituals not only helps to create this connection, but gives our children the energy, motivation, and support to bring their focus back into the present, back to themselves, and back to the things that bring positive energy and clarity to their days. Rituals help clear away the fog, overwhelm, and confusion, and makes things that currently feel impossible to a young adult..suddenly possible. This is why we love Rituals, and why they are the foundation for everything that we do. 

What is a Ritual and how can it help? 

A Ritual is simply something that your child can do every day (a behavior or action) that has a deeper meaning and purpose attached to it, and is specifically designed to help them have an "amazing" day. Rituals help accomplish this by giving young adults energy, helping them stay grounded and balanced throughout the day, helping them be more present, aware, and mindful, helping improve focus and productivity in school, sports, etc., helping ignite creativity and expressiveness, improving motivation and mood, and overall helping them make positive and empowering choices. In other words, Rituals are what makes it possible for young adults to overcome challenges, move forward, and accomplish their goals.   

We teach our clients Rituals that Erin and I have implemented personally for years into our days and weeks, and have helped our clients create huge transformation in their lives. We also help young adults identify Core Rituals that are unique to them based on their values, passions, and interests, this way they're learning how to create their own Rituals as they change into their future. 

Examples of 3 Types of Rituals We Teach:

  • Morning Rituals: Help with energy, mindfulness, motivation, and excitement for the day ahead.
  • Evening Rituals: Help with learning, growth, calmness, self-care, and preparing for  quality sleep.
  • Check-in Rituals: Help with positive self-talk, mindfulness, overcoming challenges and distraction, and reconnecting with what's important (meaningful goals, values, etc.) 

We have found that it's not just coming up with meaningful goals that will change the trajectory of your child's life, but it's helping them create a lifestyle that supports their personal growth journey in a holistic way, now and into the future. Rituals eventually become your identity, bring you into the present moment, and connect you to your authentic self - learning to become your own best friend. 

You can create your own Family Rituals as well, this is what keeps a family connected and bonded - granted it takes consistency, but the rewards are worth it!  


With Love,

Erin and Chris    

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