How I Found My Purpose
We've been talking, writing, and coaching on purpose a lot this week! Today Chris and I kicked off our new Podcast (coming soon!) and our topic was how to discover and connect with your purpose. We began by asking, what is one's purpose and how do you know when you've connected with it? Your purpose is that deeper meaningful part of yourself - it's the part of yourself that you discover, sometimes, through trauma and dark times in your life when you have to dig deep and find resilience, forgiveness, perseverance, and strength you've never known. But can also shine through during the most beautiful experiences as well, such as birth, falling in love, and closure. It's your values, your passions, and the thing that puts you into a flow state, when you could do that thing forever and not get tired of it. Your purpose grounds you and can pull you through all the tough times - it becomes your Northern Star.
I am so clear on when I knew I had found my purpose. I began a modeling career as a teenager - while all my friends were heading off to college, I was flying to Paris! Sound glamorous I know! And parts of that lifestyle can be, but it's also a very intense and demanding industry. I was just a young adult then and already dealing with that stage of development and emotions, and on top of that I was living a very fast paced life, traveling, working, and eventually caught up with the "in" crowd, partying and slowly losing sight of my true self. I eventually hit a brick wall and had to change my lifestyle and slow down. There was a loud voice within telling me that I was on the wrong track, that I had a bigger mission in this life, and I couldn't ignore that voice any longer.
I began changing my environments, trading in the big dinners and parties for parks, walks in nature, and tea in the evenings with myself, and found new friendships and relationships. Eventually I met a man who became my spiritual mentor and meditation teacher. I got back to my Native American roots and met an elder who taught me about our traditions and ceremonies. I began reading every personal growth and spiritual book I could find. I studied Buddhism and went to talks and retreats. As you can imagine, my entire life transformed and I began sharing all I was learning with my friends, family, and anyone who would listen:) I also took all the journals and poetry I had been writing during those challenging years and began to share it and publish it. I came to realize over time that, I thought being a model/actress was my purpose, but that was just the catalyst for something much more meaningful. But if I hadn't gone through those challenging years, I never would have discovered my purpose! I eventually went to College and studied Psychology & Human Development and Native American Studies, and that journey led me to this incredible world of Life Coaching!
Now don't get me wrong - life wasn't all rainbows and butterflies just because I discovered my purpose! As human beings we are going to continue to make choices that aren't always in alignment with our values and purpose - I did make mistakes and made very questionable choices along my journey! But the truth is, without those dark nights of the soul and tough times, we wouldn't continue to grow and evolve. However, my purpose and passion for personal growth, spirituality, and inspiring & empowering others, is what has helped me through any challenge or trauma along the way. I never lost sight of what was authentically meaningful and important to me. The path I began almost 20 years ago is still my path today.
As you read this maybe you're recalling some moments in your own life when you heard that voice within, or felt that flow state, or just had a deep passion for something. Those are all clues that connect you to your purpose. And if you're feeling that maybe it's too late to do something with your purpose - it's not! I've been going through this mid-life thing for a while and thinking that I'm running out of time - so I get it! But we're not and it's never too late to start or deepen that journey of self-discovery.
You need to slow down and go within, find environments that inspire you, like a forest, a hot spa bath, the beach, or anyplace where you feel calm & peaceful, and these are the places where you can get quiet and begin to listen to that deeper part of yourself.
Here's to discovering your purpose!
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