How do you plant seeds for your kids?

Planting Seeds For Our Children

I learned about continuing to plant seeds, no matter what, from my mom. As a young adult going through my first real “dark night of the soul” my mom was my rock, my biggest supporter, believed in all of me, never judged me, and although I wasn’t always ready to hear her messages and wisdom at the time, she never gave up on me, she planted those seeds every chance she got! And, yes, over time every single one of them took root and blossomed.

Now I’m a grown woman with kids of my own, but my mom still plants seeds, she’s never stopped being my rock and believing in me, especially when I didn’t believe in myself, and sharing her wisdom and life experience. She also does the same for River and Skylar now, as do I.

It’s tough sometimes to not feel heard by our teens or young adults. My feelings often get hurt by the eye rolls or when I’m just ignored! But I’ve had enough experiences now with my kids when we do connect deeply, during bedtime talks or car rides, and I realize that they do hear me, they do appreciate my wisdom and advice, and that those seeds are taking root and blossoming

How do you plant seeds for your kids? How do you know when those seeds have taken root?

With Love,


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